Energy Efficiency Begins on That Drawing Boards
Every business and building is unique. Making your company energy Efficient is not your primary business. Leave it to the Energeia Alternatives team to show you how. That is not only what we do but it is all we do.
As your energy consultant we learn the values, objectives and vision of you our client and apply them to an energy redesign that not only meets your needs but fits your budget.
We learn about your company, your facilities, and your needs. An energy consultant collects data of all sorts. Marries that up with the “industries best practices” and offers a strategy that gets you to your goals.
The Energy Review offered to our clients as an introductory examination of your direction and facilities to achieve your objectives.
Our approach is holistic and all the possibilities of a job are considered in our initial review. LINK
ASHREA II Energy Audit takes the initial scope of work and goals from the Energy Review and brings those too a non-aligned 3rd Party Energy Engineer for them to quantify the potential steps to energy savings, sustainability and a healthy building. LINK
Preliminary Work Detail done at the same time as the Energy Audit these projected costs are then attached to the energy study so you the client can make a complete determination of what are the next steps for your energy upgrade. LINK
ECM & Budget Approval (Energy Saving Measures) are presented to the client for approval. Projected energy saving Pro-Forma can be included along with a PowerPoint summary of the designed program.
In both report will be different alternatives for financing the cost of the energy work proposed. Its return on investment, all incentives available in the market place as well as Grants and programs to make your budget go further and to achieve the maximum in energy savings. Included in this phase of our work will be to bring your project to a closing to meet the approved budget for the work by you the client.
EAI will act as third party manager of all work to ensure it achieves the energy design of the program as it was approved and budgeted. As the owner’s energy consultant EAI is not a contractor, sells no products and ensures that all work will be done by proven energy efficiency contractors, fully licensed, insured and offering a full warranty of their work. All cost for this oversight will be included in the final budget and financing as part of the energy design.
As part of the overall energy program SMART Tech will be included in the construction package. One reason is that the use of these systems are an accepted additional method of saving energy. AI applications to an overall energy efficiency design will increase savings 18 to 22%. The second reason that SMART Tech is included is that it will show in real time the actual energy that is being used and saved. Thus proving the financial viability of the design and investment into energy efficiency.